Thursday, August 25

Whale Soup

We are right in the middle of humpback whale season and they are absolutely everywhere!

Visitors to the island are having amazing experiences swimming with these gentle giants. But... you don't have to be in, or even on the water to see them.

Because Niue is an atol and surrounded by very deep waters, the whales come within 50 metres of the shore.

I have had to stop the car a number of times while driving because just next to the road there is an amazing whale gymnastics show underway.

One of the best places on the island to spot them is from the Matavai resort. Guests can sip a cocktail, or enjoy a meal on the resort's deck while they whale watch. At the moment, there are so many whales around that guests are treated to nightly shows.

Some people have even reported hearing the whales singing to each other while they are trying to get to sleep!

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